Friday, December 5, 2008

How to make every kind of labyrinth

Labyrinths for the Spirit
by Jim Buchanan

For myself the most important thing in life is the making of things. In all creativity the doing is what it is all about. It doesn't matter if it's a doodle or a giant project, what will count in one's own spiritual growth and satisfaction and self expression is putting one foot in front of the other and doing it.

This book shows how to create your own labyrinths for meditation and enlightenment, from the smallest drawing on paper, through cardboard models, to monumental architecture and nature gardens, and even gives the map for a labyrinthine city walk by the pretty canals through my home town of Amsterdam.

You can find out more and even buy a copy now, as each book reviewed here is available through clicking on the Amazon widgets on the right hand side of this blog.

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